Training Manuals

Training Manuals

New High Volume Speed Printing available!

  • 9600 pages in 10 minutes
  • Catalogs of products
  • Manuals for training, instructions, policies, and procedures

Share information about your business, products, services, and related content with professional booklets.

At The Print Shop, we pay utmost attention to all the details when designing, printing, and producing booklets, catalogs, training manuals, and other documents for your personal and professional needs. Our stellar print quality, high quality papers and detailed finishing processes are sure to be an impeccable way of producing your documents.


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Training Manuals are highly visible.

Training manuals are great for keeping information visible. Post them on a wall, place them on a table or give them to employees to read at their desks. Printed manuals are also easy to reference. Instead of thumbing through digital files, employees can easily flip through the pages of a printed training manual to find what they need.

Training Manual are easy to reference.

Training Manuals are great for sharing information that will be referenced regularly. They can include details such as contact information, industry standards, company policies and safety procedures. Printed manuals make it easy for employees to find the information they need and refer back to it as needed.

Training Manual materials can stay with employees after training is completed.

Employees may not be able to access digital training materials after they’ve completed their training. Printed training materials can stay with employees and be referred to frequently. This can help employees stay current on information and remain compliant with company policies and procedures.

Training Manual materials can be used as a foundation for digital learning materials.

Training Manuals offer an opportunity to test employees’ knowledge and assess their needs. Once this information is gathered, you can build upon it to create digital training materials that are more interactive, engaging and accessible for employees.

Printed Training Manuals are cost-effective and environmentally friendly.

Training manuals can be ordered in bulk and reused year after year, which makes them cost-effective. They are also eco-friendly. Employees can easily scan printed training materials and save them to digital files. This allows you to track employees’ progress and provide access to training materials when and where employees need them.

Original Training Manuals Design Guidelines

  • Bleed Area: 3.66" x 2.16"

    Make sure that your background extends to fill the bleed to avoid your Business Cards having white edges when trimmed.

  • Trim: 3.50" x 2.0"

    This is where we aim to cut your cards.

  • Safe Area: 3.34" x 1.84"

    Make sure any important aspects of your design such as text and logos are inside of the safe area, otherwise they may be cut off.

Download Design Guideline

Download Photoshop

Download Illustrator

Download Indesign

Download jpeg

Frequently Asked Questions

[ffw_template template=1 id=11370]
How would you like to design your

Upload a full design

  • - Have a complete design
  • - Have your own designer

Design here online

  • - Already have your concept
  • - Customise every detail


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